Gallery - Ketambe - Friendship Guesthouse - Stay & Jungle Trekking

NEWS: 21 JULY 2024 - Friendship Guesthouse Ketambe Main Season has started - Advanced booking needed NOW Online Visa on Arrival - eVisa NEW: Swimming Pool for kids All bungalows have mosquito nets and a fan WiFi available in the restaurant, it works via 4G Webpages designed by Uwe Richter, Hamburg, GE +++++ End of NEWS +++++ Restart +++++

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Pictures from Birds

Rhinoceros Hornbill high in th tree

Rhinoceros Hornbill

Rhinoceros Hornbill

Two Rhinoceros Hornbills

Wreathed Hornbills (yellow and blue throat)

Wreathed Hornbill (Green throat)

White Crowned and Bushy Crested Hornbill

Chestnut Breasted Malkoha

Banded Kingfisher and Diard's Trogon

Banded Broadbill

Black Napped Monarch

Banded Broadbill

Common Iora

Olive Backed Sunbird (female)

Olive Backed Sunbird (male)

Orange Backed Woodpecker (female and male)

Black And Yellow Broadbill

Crimson Breasted Flowerpecker

Black Headed Bulbul and Red Naped Trogon

Orange Breasted Trogon and Chestnut Naped Forktail

Greater Coucal

Two Zebra Doves

Rufous Woodpecker

Red Bearded Bee-Eater


Scarlet Breasted Trogon

Ruby Throated Bulbul and Scarlet Minivet

Racket Tailed Drogo and Black And Red Broadbill

White-Eye Bird

Yellow Vented Bulbul

Dusty Munia

Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker

This gallery shows photographs from different kind of birds, which lives in the Leuser National Park.
It includes bird species like Hornbill, Malkoha, Kingfisher, Trogon, Broadbill, Iora, Monarch, Sunbird, Woodpecker, Bulbul, Forktail, Bee-Eater, Dove, Coucal, Drogo, Minivet and Munia.
All photographs of the birds are kindly provided from the German birder Andrä Scholz. He went into the Leuser National Park near Ketambe for more than 3 month during 2015 and 2017.

Currency Exchange Rate
Update: 21 JULY 2024

17,600 IDR
16,200 IDR
20,700 IDR
10,900 IDR
Ketambe Jungle Trekking & Tours
©  Friendship Guesthouse and Restaurant Ketambe 2007 - 2024
©  Friendship Guesthouse and Restaurant Ketambe 2007 - 2024
©  Friendship Guesthouse and Restaurant Ketambe 2007 - 2024
©  Friendship Guesthouse and Restaurant Ketambe 2007 - 2024
Friendship Guesthouse
Jalan Belangkejeren km 32
Ketambe - Kutacane  24652
Aceh Tengara - INDONESIA
Muhammad Badaruddin
+62 853 5966 4110
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