Gallery - Ketambe - Friendship Guesthouse - Stay & Jungle Trekking

NEWS: 21 JULY 2024 - Friendship Guesthouse Ketambe Main Season has started - Advanced booking needed NOW Online Visa on Arrival - eVisa NEW: Swimming Pool for kids All bungalows have mosquito nets and a fan WiFi available in the restaurant, it works via 4G Webpages designed by Uwe Richter, Hamburg, GE +++++ End of NEWS +++++ Restart +++++

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Pictures from Orang Utans and Monkeys

Orang-Utan - Male

Orang-Utan - Male

Orang-Utan - Male

Orang-Utan - Male

Orang-Utan - Male

Orang-Utan - Male

Orang-Utan - Male

Orang-Utan - Male

Orang-Utan - Male

Orang-Utan - Female

Orang-Utan - Female

Orang-Utan - Female

Orang-Utan - Female

Orang-Utan - Female

Orang-Utan - Female

Orang-Utan - Female

Orang-Utan - Female

Orang-Utans - Female with Baby

Orang-Utans - Female with Baby

Orang-Utan eating tree bark

Orang-Utans - Female with Baby

Orang-Utans - Female with Baby

Orang-Utans - Female with Baby

Orang-Utans - Female with Baby

Orang-Utans - Female with Baby

Orang-Utan - Young Female

Orang-Utan - Young Female

Orang-Utan - Young Male eating fruits

Orang-Utan - Young Female

Orang-Utan - Baby

Orang-Utan - Baby

Orang-Utan - Baby

Orang-Utan - Baby

Black Gibbon (Siamang)

Black Gibbon (Siamang)

Black Gibbon (Siamang)

White Gibbon

Jumping Thomas Leaf Monkey

Thomas Leaf Monkey

Four Thomas Leaf Monkeys

Thomas Leaf Monkey

Thomas Leaf Monkey

Thomas Leaf Monkey

Thomas Leaf Monkey

Thomas Leaf Monkey with Baby

Thomas Leaf Monkey with Baby

Pig-Tailed Macaque

Two Long-Tailed Macaques

Long-Tailed Macaque eating fruits

Long-Tailed Macaque

Long-Tailed Macaque

Long-Tailed Macaque

Family of Long-Tailed Macaques

Long-Tailed Macaque with Baby

Long-Tailed Macaque with Baby

Long-Tailed Macaque with Baby

Long-Tailed Macaque with Baby

This gallery shows photographs from Orang Utans, Gibbons (Siamang), Long-Tailed Macaques, Pig-Tailed Macaques and Thomas Leaf Monkeys.
All photographs were taken in the jungle near Ketambe in the Gunung Leuser National Park.
Herewith we would like to thank Andrae Scholz from Germany. He kindly provided his pictures to show it on our website. He took these photos during his longer stay in Ketambe during 2015 and 2017.
Some photos are given from the guide Safar and some from Uwe Richter (Germany).

Currency Exchange Rate
Update: 21 JULY 2024

17,600 IDR
16,200 IDR
20,700 IDR
10,900 IDR
Ketambe Jungle Trekking & Tours
©  Friendship Guesthouse and Restaurant Ketambe 2007 - 2024
©  Friendship Guesthouse and Restaurant Ketambe 2007 - 2024
©  Friendship Guesthouse and Restaurant Ketambe 2007 - 2024
©  Friendship Guesthouse and Restaurant Ketambe 2007 - 2024
Friendship Guesthouse
Jalan Belangkejeren km 32
Ketambe - Kutacane  24652
Aceh Tengara - INDONESIA
Muhammad Badaruddin
+62 853 5966 4110
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